Apr 23

Gut Health

Food Sensitivity Testing: Demystifying IgG

Tue 25th April 2023, 06:00pm

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Food Sensitivity Testing: Demystifying IgG

With Dr. Gill Hart

Whether its IBS, migraines or an autoimmune condition, Evidence has suggested that elimination diets based on food‐specific IgG measurement can lead to improvements in chronic ill health symptoms. Immunoglobulin (IgG) is a type of antibody. There are different types of food-specific IgG antibodies that can be measured; IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4. It is important to measure of all these antibodies because they are capable of causing inflammation which could contribute to symptoms.

Are you interested in finding out more about the science behind York Tests food-specific IgG testing and the IgG-guided elimination diet? They are the only food intolerance testing company who conduct clinical trials and independent research into food intolerance and the affects it can have on the mind and body.

Join Dr Gill Hart, PhD Biochemist and YorkTest Scientific Director with over 30 years’ experience in the design and development of diagnostic tests and testing services, for her webinar. The webinar will cover IgG Food Intolerance testing where Gill will talk you through the testing methodology, unique evidence, research base and immunology that underpins the role for YorkTest food-specific IgG testing, in practice.

This Webinar will provide information about:

• The technology behind the YorkTest food-specific IgG test
• The evidence that supports using the YorkTest food-specific IgG test
• Recent research supporting IgG-guided elimination diet
• How YorkTest can support your business


Join us for an exciting webinar on Food Sensitivity Testing with Senior Biochemist Dr.Gill Hart on Tuesday 25th of April. 


This webinar will be awarded 1.5 CPD points by the NNA, the NTOI and the ANA  in accordance with their guidelines.

Once registered, you will receive three reminder emails – one a week before the webinar, one a day before and one on the day of the webinar. All our webinars are recorded – you will be sent a link to the recording along with all the educational material, presentations, handouts and CPD approximately 24 to 48 hours


Dr. Gill Hart

Senior Biochemist and Scientific Director

Dr Gill Hart is an expert Biochemist with over thirty years’ experience in the development and validation of hospital standard diagnostic tests and testing services. Dr Gill completed her PhD in pituitary function in 1987 and started her career as Senior Biochemist at the Hammersmith Hospital. Dr Gill subsequently worked for a number of R&D companies, being responsible for the development and validation of unique diagnostic tests and testing services for hospital, Practitioner and consumer use. Dr Gill joined food intolerance company YorkTest in 2005 and has been instrumental in building this food intolerance, allergy and health testing company to the market leader it is today. As Scientific Director Dr Gill has applied her scientific and regulatory knowledge to all YorkTest services. Dr Gill is an expert in food intolerance testing, and also more general health testing. She says that “it’s an exciting time for food intolerance and heath testing as more than ever before YorkTest are able to support Practitioners in making a positive difference to their client’s health and wellbeing”.