Tune in to this webinar if you want to learn how to master the 1:Many model of earning income as a Nutritional Therapist.

Join Dr Wil Cole to get these common questions answered along with your own specific questions and learn to support your clients with the right protocol for intermittent fasting.

Join Michal Wäger, Head of the science team at Biogena to learn about the evidence of using micronutrients in clinical practise and for long COVID-19 its and its therapeutic pitfalls. 1.5 CPD points.

Mushrooms contain potent ingredients that offer anti-inflammatory properties, particularly beta-glucans and triterpenes, among many others. Learn more about using them in clinical practice.

Join us for a Masterclass with Drug-Nutrient Interaction Expert Debbie Grayson who will walk us through the main medication minefields we are faced with and some of the common drugs our clients could be taking.

Join Functional Medic and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Dr Robert Hedaya who has developed Targeted HYLANE technology and learn how his protocol can support brain health as well as the elimination of mental health and brain injury symptoms.