Join Dr. Kara Fitzgerald the author of “Younger You” and renowned Functional Medic has a special interest in this area and she explores how we can move our biological age into reverse.

Join Holistic Dentist, Naturopath and Author of best-selling book ‘It’s All In Your Mouth’ Dr. Dominik Nischwitz to learn how your teeth are impacting your immune system, sleep, performance, inflammation & much more (& what you can do about it with holistic dentistry).

CLINICAL TRAINING TRAINING FOR HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS In our latest Course, we bring together two holistic dentist who will explore how […]

Join us in an engaging course with Patrick Holford and Dr. Richard Cheng who will be sharing what’s behind the breakthroughs in the nutritional approaches to viral infections. 1.5 CPD.

Learn about the science and benefits behind a powerhouse vitamin from a world renowned expert: Dr.Tom O’Bryan. 1.5 CPDs.